The Lost Children Charity Anthology

I join my colleagues in a very heartfelt thank you to Thomas Pluck, Fiona Johnson and Ron Earl Phillips for their tireless efforts in seeing The Lost Children: A Charity Anthology to its fruition.

I would be remiss if I did not make a special thank you to artist and photographer extraordinaire Danielle Tunstall for her generous permission to use one of her photographs on the cover of the e-book and paperback as well as The Lost Children Anthology websites, and to Sarah Bennett Pluck for her incredible work producing the cover for this anthology.


“Some children are lost before they have even started living. Some children are a throw-away commodity like a burger box that’s left to blow down the street in the wind and rain.” – Fiona Johnson

This is how it started.

A prompt on Flash Fiction Friday – A Community Writing Project.  Guest moderator, author Fiona Johnson, asked us to write a story about lost children.  Our inspiration was the heart-wrenching photograph by Danielle Tunstall shown below.

Thomas Pluck offered to donate $5 for each story submitted to PROTECT: The National Association to Protect Children.  Fiona in turn pledged to donate $5 to Children 1st, a children’s charity in Scotland.  Together , $600 was raised for the two charities, thanks to the generous and creative writing communities of Flash Fiction Friday, Fictionaut; as well as the crime fiction community on Twitter.

43 entries were submitted.  The flash fiction challenge was such a success that Thomas, Fiona and Ron decided to take it further… they would publish an anthology, with 100% of the e-book proceeds going to the two charities PROTECT and Children 1st.  Ron, Fiona and Thomas chose 30 of the best stories for the anthology.

50% of the e-book proceeds will go to Children 1st, which is a children’s charity based in Scotland.  The other 50% of the e-book proceeds will go to PROTECT:  The National Association to Protect Children.  PROTECT is based in the United States.

More information about PROTECT and Children 1st can be found at their respective websites..

Lost Children: A Charity Anthology is available at Amazon, Amazon UK, Amazon Germany, Amazon France, Smashwords, Apple iBookstore, and Barnes & Noble.  Please help us support these charities and help a child.  With Christmas just around the corner, this anthology will make a wonderful gift for family and friends.  Links for Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords are just to the right, under the anthology’s cover image.

The e-book anthology is available in the following formats:
$2.99 for Kindle, Kindle Cloud Reader and Kindle for Phone and Desktop at Amazon
$2.99 for Adobe PDF, epub format, mobi format, Kobo, Sony e-reader and readable online at Smashwords
$2.99 for Nook in the Barnes & Noble store (also available via Smashwords, if you use Calibre e-book manager)
$2.99 at the Apple iBookstore

Thomas has lately been burning the candle far into the night to prepare a print edition, which will soon be available through Amazon and Createspace.  This should be ready in time to give as a Christmas gift, for either yourself or friends and family.

Thank you.


If you would like a little background on my story, LOST BUT NOT FORGOTTEN, please visit  I am humbled and and honoured to have my story selected and to be part of this amazing project.  By buying the anthology, you too can help a very worthwhile cause.

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